In 1912 women's events were added, and the modern Olympic programme began to take shape. 1912年增加了女子比赛项目,现代奥林匹克运动会开始初具雏形。
Things are beginning to take shape. 事渐入绪。
Our plan is beginning to take shape. 我们的计划开始成形了。
I also noticed a very different kind of revolution take shape in Davos. 另外,我还注意到,在达沃斯论坛上,另外一种不同的变革正在酝酿之中。
More failing tests could be written for those pieces of code until a reasonable specification begins to take shape. 可以为那些代码片段编写更多的失败测试,直到一个合理的规范开始成形。
As soon as some initial requirements are documented, an initial model starts to take shape. 一旦在文档中记录一些初始需求,初始模型就开始成型。
Through the series you will see a complete integration application take shape. 通过阅读本系列中的文章,可以了解完整的应用程序集成的实现过程。
If the brain drain becomes an irreversible trend, a vicious circle will take shape in Chinese academia. 如果人才流失成为一种不可逆转的趋势,那么,中国学术界将会形成恶性循环。
A deal could take shape once he secures financing and agrees on a location for a new stadium. 一旦他获得融资并就新场馆的选址达成一致,该交易就将成型。
And it may dictate how certain things in the universe take shape. 而且这一比率可能决定了宇宙中特定事物的成形。
At night in all of these borrowed beds, my own idea of home started to take shape. 在所有的租来的床上度过的夜里,我开始形成了自己对家的憧憬。
I've been here for6 months now and the dream is already starting to take shape. 现在我在这里已经生活了6个月了,我的梦想也已经初步成形。
After six weeks 'work the house began to take shape. 经过6个星期的工作以后,那座房子开始初具规模。
After efforts have begun to take shape, and maintain the foreign and processing units and good relations. 经过努力已经初具规模,保持了和外商以及加工单位的良好关系。
Another problem is that small factions or cliques must never be allowed to take shape in the party. 还有一个问题,党内无论如何不能形成小派,小圈子。
Band was set up in2003, since its establishment it has begun to take shape. 管乐团成立于2003年,自成立至今已初具规模。
And outsight and regarded perceiving as the foundation to take shape in the course of perceiving, have left and has not observed either when perceiving. 而观察力是在感知过程中并以感知为基础形成起来的,离开了感知也就没有了观察。
The next ear of globalization has yet to take shape. 下一个全球化的时代还未成形。
A galactic society will take shape and you are to expand into every part of Inner Earth; 一个银河社会会成型,你会扩大进入内部地球的每个部分。
They can also see their timepiece take shape on screen before requesting the price by e-mail. 他们还可以在屏幕上看到所选钟表的成形过程,然后通过电子邮件询价。
It's when I hear you that you take shape. 我听到你说话时,你才现形。
The new building is beginning to take shape. 新大楼开始成形了。
Our ideas are beginning to take shape. 我们的想法已经外始初具雏形了。
The garden is beginning to take shape. 这花园逐渐像样了。
Our plans now began to take shape. 这时,我们的计划开始有了眉目。
All of these are good examples of how energy can take shape, form, and structure. 这些都说明了能量是如何形成、组成和构成形状的。
And discusses the fitting to take shape influence factor the way and the drainage system. 并探讨管件的成型方式与排水系统之影响因子。
The plot was starting to take shape in murdoch's mind. 情节开始在默多克的脑海里成形了。
Thanks to these pioneers, the full story of the Missoula floods began to take shape. 由于这些先驱者的努力,密苏拉洪水说开始形成了完整的脉络。
We watched the vase begin to take shape in the potter's hands. 我们看着花瓶在陶工的手中开始成形。